Taking Action
Shir Shalom offers meaningful opportunities to get involved and give back.
Serving the Community
Our congregants are committed to the idea that Shir Shalom can be a partner in promoting kindness and help to those in need. We have “adopted” a group home, Muller House, which we visit during Jewish holidays. We make an annual Chanukkah visit to Northern Manor, where we sing songs and bring gifts to the residents. We also participate in community needs as they arise through our Bimah Basket Program. Shir Shalom cares. If you would like to help us, help the community, please contact: Mirel Verhoeff fromthegarden@optimum.net
Rhoda Bloom Kosher Food Pantry
We collect peanut butter, boxes of tea bags, and boxes of cereal as well as other Kosher, unopened, non-perishable foods to distribute through our food pantry. Drop off your contributions at our Synagogue collection boxes to help the food insecure in our community.
You can also make a donation, and we’ll do the shopping for you! Just make your check out to Congregation Shir Shalom and note that it’s for the food pantry.
Bimah Baskets
Bimah Baskets, not only enhances our Bimah but raises needed funds to combat hunger in our community.
We seek sponsors each week to donate beautiful symbolic food baskets to sit on the Bimah, in honor of a special event or in memory of a loved one.
Your sponsorship of one or two baskets helps in this endeavor. One basket for $54 and two baskets for $90 can raise needed funds for the Rhoda Bloom Food Pantry, other local Food Banks, and Pantries, plus provides a little extra for our congregation. Proceeds are distributed evenly to each cause.
Your sponsorship will be in our weekly newsletter and in the flyer handed out every Shabbat in the synagogue. It will also be announced from the Bimah at the end of services. Please make sure that you make your donation at least one week ahead of time to give the office the opportunity to share your generosity.
You can find an application for the donation in the office, in the synagogue lobby, in the weekly Newsletter and here online. Fill it in and make out your checks to Congregation Shir Shalom/ Memo: Bimah Baskets. A special fund is set aside just for this purpose. There is no comingling of funds.
Any questions? Call Harriet Spevack (845-712-5150) or email: hspevack@gmail.com
Welcoming the Stranger - Protecting the Refugee
The Torah commands us to remember that we were once strangers in a strange land. That tenant of our faith gives us an empathetic understanding of the need to help the immigrant, the asylum seeker, the refugee. Our Shir Shalom family is committed to enacting this commandment and embodying that empathy. We are always prepared to mobilize and collect urgently required supplies for newly arrived refugees whenever the need arises. Keep an eye on our event and news feeds below as well as congregational emails for opportunities to take action.
Bottle Redemption Program
Organized by our Men’s Club, do your part to make the world a little greener with the added benefit of supporting your Shir Shalom family. Drop off your recyclable cans and bottles at the Can In Cash Out Bottle Redemption Center in Nanuet. Let them know you’re dropping off on behalf of Congregation Shir Shalom, and the 5 cents per bottle/can refund goes to benefit our community.
Shoebox Recycling Program
Run by our Sisterhood, this program helps to promote environmental sustainability while combating socio-economic insecurity. Drop off your pair of gently worn men’s, women’s, or kids’ shoes at our Synagogue collection boxes. They must be in reusable and re-wearable condition - this means no holes, and nothing mildewed or torn. Bonus: while we’re helping to recycle and redistribute shoes that typically end up in landfills, Shir Shalom receives money to directly benefit our community when we send in our donations.
Accepted: Sneakers, Dress Shoes, Casual Shoes, Work Boots, Sandals, Heels, and Flats
Not Accepted: Ski Boots, Winter Boots, Roller Skates or Blades, Ice Skates, Flip-flops, Crocs, Slippers, and Single Shoes
More Opportunities
Stay tuned in to our upcoming events for more ways to get involved and give back and read more about our commitment and work to repair the world below.
Tikkun Olam
At Congregation Shir Shalom, we are dedicated to the work and the responsibility of repairing our world by promoting kindness and helping those in need.