Rabbi Paul Kurland
Rabbi Kurland has always been involved and deeply committed to Jewish education.
Having received his Master’s degree in Jewish Education from the Jewish Theological Seminary he has served as Educational Director in congregations in Pennsylvania and New York. He is also well known for his active involvement in Camp Ramah in the Berkshires for decades.
Rabbi Kurland returned to The Jewish Theological Seminary for Rabbinical training and made the shift into pulpit work when he took the position of Rabbi at the Croton Jewish Center. He moved to Rockland County in 1997 to serve the Nanuet Hebrew Center, and now serves Congregation Shir Shalom - a consolidation of Nanuet Hebrew Center and Montebello Jewish Center.
We are thrilled to have Rabbi Kurland continue his 25+ year tenure with us where he has earned a wonderful reputation throughout Rockland County and beyond. His commitment to and care of our youngest affiliates - in our Makom Religious School and Youth Programs - on through our lifelong adult learners has been a blessing. He also entertains with his creative videos (like this or this on YouTube or this Tot Shabbat FB Live episode featuring his wife Gerri) that help teach prayers to young children.
Rabbi Kurland has served as president of the Rockland Board of Rabbis, the Lower Hudson Valley Region of the Rabbinical Assembly, and the Clarkstown Board of Ethics. He was also honored by the Jewish Theological Seminary with an Honorary Doctor of Divinities Degree.
Rabbi Kurland and Gerri have 4 sons, Yoni, Noam, Eytan and Ami, a daughter-in-law Kat and a grandson, Shel.

Cantor Barry Kanarek
Cantor Kanarek has served at Congregation Shir Shalom (then the Nanuet Hebrew Center) since 2005. Prior to that, he was Cantor at Congregation Beth El in New London, Ct. When not at his pulpit or teaching in the religious school, Cantor Kanarek is actively involved with Rockland’s Jewish community in his capacity as Director of Operations and Adult Education at the Jewish Federation and Foundation of Rockland County.
In addition to his vocal talents, Cantor Kanarek plays a number of instruments including guitar, piano, electric and acoustic bass. His recordings of Study War No More/Lo Yisa Goy and D’ror Yikra appear on the Cantors Assembly’s The Spirit of Shalom and The Spirit of Jewish World Music albums respectively. His Bayom Hahu was published by Transcontinental Music Publications in 1989. He also is a proud member of The Temple Dudes, a synagogue-based band performing secular folk and rock as well as Jewish-inspired music and loves to appear with the Congregation Shir Shalom choir.
Cantor Kanarek holds a master’s degree in Sacred Music from the H.L. Miller Cantorial School at the Jewish Theological Seminary and a B.A. in Economics from the University of Pennsylvania. He is the equally proud husband of Amy Kanarek and father of Emily Kanarek.
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