What We Do
Providing Comfort
The Shir Shalom Sunshine Committee provides meals and support to families mourning the death of a loved one.
Celebrating your Simchas
We send gifts and congratulations from Shir Shalom to share in the joy of weddings, births, bar/bat mitzvahs, and other important events in our families’ lives.
Welcoming New Families
We welcome new congregants to the Shir Shalom family with a gift and personal outreach.
Keep Us in the Loop
Please contact the Shir Shalom Office (office@shirshalomrockland.org or 845-708-9181) if you know of life-cycle events in our synagogue family.
Join our Team
Current organizing committee members include Andrea Caloras, Ruth Levy, Susan Orlando, Elinor Silver and Flora Silver. We welcome your participation. For more information, please contact the Shir Shalom office (office@shirshalomrockland.org or 845-708-9181).
Shir Shalom Cares
Our Sunshine Committee offers support in moments of sadness, challenge, joy, and celebration to members of our Shir Shalom family.